From the draft folder, this sat moldering for a few months. Since I think the topic of "distributed coordination as a library/OS fundamental" has flared up a bit in recent conversations, I present this without further editing.
I'm preparing to give a talk at Ricon East about ZooKeeper, and have been thinking a lot of what to cover in this talk. The conference is focused on distributed systems at a somewhat advanced level, so I'm thinking about topics that expand beyond the basics of "what is ZooKeeper" and "how do you use it." After polling twitter and getting some great feedback I've decided to focus on the question that many architects face: When should I use ZooKeeper, and when is it overkill?
This topic is interesting to me in many ways. In my current job as VP of Architecture at Rent the Runway, we do not yet use ZooKeeper. There are things that we could use it for, but in our world most of the distributed computing we do is pure horizontally scalable web services. We're not yet building out complex networks of servers with different roles that need to be centrally configured, managed, or monitored beyond what you can easily do with simple load balancers and nagios. And many of the questions I answer on the ZooKeeper mailing list are those that start with "can ZK do this?" The answer that I prefer to give is almost always "yes, but keep these things in mind before you roll it out for this purpose." So that is what I want to dig into more in my talk.
I've been digging into a lot of the details of ZAB, Paxos, and distributed coordination in general as part of the talk prep, and hit on an interesting thought: What is the role of ZooKeeper in the world of distributed computing? You can see a very clear breakdown right now in major distributed systems out there. There are those that are full platforms for certain types of distributed computing: the Hadoop ecosystem, Storm, Solr, Kafka, that all use ZooKeeper as a service to provide key points of correctness and coordination that must have higher transactional guarantees than these systems want to build intrinsically into their own key logic. Then there are the systems, mostly distributed databases, that implement their own coordination logic: MongoDB, Riak, Cassandra, to name a few. This coordination logic often makes different compromises than a true independent Paxos/ZAB implementation would make; for an interesting conversation check out a Cassandra ticket on the topic.
In thinking about why you would want to use a standard service-type system vs implementing your own internal logic, it reminds me very much of the difference between modern SQL databases and the rest of the application world. The best RDBMSs are highly tuned beasts. They cut out the middleman as much as possible, taking over functionality from the OS and filesystem as it suits them to get absolutely the best performance for their workload. This makes sense. The competitive edge to the product they are selling is its performance under a very well-defined standard of operation (SQL with ACID guarantees), as well as ease of operation. And in the new world of distributed databases, owning exactly the logic for distributed coordination (and understanding where that logic falls apart in the specific use cases for that system) will very likely be a competitive edge for a distributed database looking to gain a larger customer base. After all, installing and administering one type of thing (the database itself) is by definition simpler than installing and administering 2 things (the database plus something like ZooKeeper). It makes sense to prefer to burn your own developer dollars to engineer around the edge cases, so as to make a simpler product for your customers.
But ignoring the highly tuned commercial case of distributed databases, I think that ZooKeeper, or a service like it, is a necessary core component of the "operating system" for distributed computing. It does not make sense for most systems to implement their own distributed coordination, any more than it makes sense to implement your own file system to run your RESTful web app. Remember, to do distributed coordination successfully requires more than just, say, a client library that perfectly implements Paxos. Even with such a library, you would need to design your application up-front to think about high availability. You need to deploy it from the beginning with enough servers to make a sane quorum. You need to think about how the rest of the functioning of your application (say, garbage collection, startup/shutdown conditions, misbehavior) will affect the functioning of your coordination layer. And for most of us, it doesn't make sense to do that up-front. Even the developers at Google didn't always think in such terms, the original Chubby paper from 2006 mentions most of these reasons as driving the decision to create a service rather than a client library.
Love it or hate it, ZooKeeper or a service like it is probably going to be a core component of most complex distributed system deployments for the foreseeable future. Which is all the more reason to get involved and help us make it better.