I love hack days. I think spending a day every now and then to just work on whatever inspires you is one of the best trends of the last five years. Whether you use it to try out a new idea, fix a problem that's been bothering you for months, or play with a new tool, it's a great use of engineering time.
However, we can't forget the seductive illusion of the hack. When you have one day to make something, and you decide to make something new, you make it however you can. You don't write tests (unless perhaps you are the most enlightened TDDer). You don't worry about edge cases. You don't plan for scale. You're playing! You're having fun! You're creating something beautiful and impressive that can bring new frontiers to your business!
What's the downside? A good hack day produces ideas and projects that you want to put into production. But when the time comes to actually take those projects and make them production-worthy it's often quite a letdown. At Rent the Runway we've seen this happen twice over our two hack days. On the first, the whole team worked on a project to rebuild "Rent the Runway" on a completely new platform. The story goes that they got 80% of the way through in one 24 hour binge. 80%! This incredible feat actually lead us to say that we would move the entire site off of our existing platform within the next 3-4 months. Heck, if we could get 80% of the site rewritten by the whole team working for a day, surely we could get the site rewritten completely in a few months.
I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that we all bought into the hype of the 80% completion for longer than we should've. In reality, the 80% completion was more like "80% of basic functionality completed", which is still very impressive but ignores the 50% of required functionality that goes well beyond basic. A 3-4 month rewrite timeline might be realistic if you could take the entire engineering team, build no new features, and eventually ship something similar but not quite the same. Of course, none of these things are ever true.
The most recent hack day had some of our engineers build a very cool project utilizing our reviews data. So cool, in fact, that our product team latched on to it and decided to make it into a full-fledged major launch. Success! And now... we're just finishing a couple of intense weeks of project planning for what is quickly turning into a man-year's worth of an engineering project. It will be cool when it launches, but I don't think any of us expected this cool thing that took a day to hack to turn into 4 engineers working for three full months just to get a polished v1.
The hack day siren song can also cause you to fall in love with your hack so much you don't see the cost to making it production-ready. I've known of engineers that went off on their own and neglected their other duties for projects that would never see the light of production due to their complexity and questionable business value. It's hard to complain when people are working on something they're passionate about, but it's important for a team to feel like they are all working toward the same goal, and that can be difficult when some members are spending most of their time tinkering with side projects.
I'm jaded and boring, so my most recent hack day project took some images that were stored in the database and put them on the CDN. It took me longer than anticipated, but I wrote tests and made it work in both production and staging and released it that day. (My expected 2 hour hack still took me closer to 6 hours end to end.) It also enabled other hack day projects, which was really the point. At the end of the day, I'm glad most of the engineers I work with use their hack days to shoot for the moon, even if the final results always take longer to achieve than we hope and maybe spill over past that one day. After all, what's the point in fast-loading images if no one ever views them?
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
On Yaks and Hacks
A Yak Story
Today I released a nice little feature into production that tests promoting a customer's "hearted" items to the top of their search results. I decided that it would be a good test after seeing some analytics data on users of this particular feature, and sold it to the head of analytics and myself as a quick feature to spin up, half a day's dev work for me. We already had the data, I just needed to play with the ordering of the products to display.
Of course, it didn't turn out to be quite that simple. When I opened the code and prepared to add the new feature, I discovered a few things. First, my clean checkout of the code base wouldn't even compile. Apparently in the time I had been away from it, the other devs had renamed a maven dependency, rtr_infra_common, to rtr_services_common, only to discover that they needed both. Instead of starting the new rtr_infra_common from, say, version 2, they started it back at version 1.0. My local maven was very, very confused.
Having figured that out, I finally had a clean, compiling workspace, so time to code. I have all the data I need to do this right here, right? Except, this "score" field that claims to be in the DTO for our products is not in fact being serialized by the providing service. Oh and in my absence the package that holds that DTO has also gotten refactored into its own project. And rtr_services_common depends on that. And rtr_infra_common depends on THAT. And I depend on
rtr_infra_common. So just to get the new data, I have to update the product catalog service, the DTO, and the whole chain of dependent projects.
As an aside, I think maven is kind of nice, but dependency management systems have caused the biggest yaks I've ever shaved, and those couple of hours of annoyance are a small drop in the bucket.
So, got my data. But now I find another problem. The framework I'm working in was designed to take all of this data and apply experiments to it before returning it to the front end. But we hadn't actually built out a notion of the "user" beyond a userId for logging and bucketing purposes. There was nowhere to put the personalized data I needed to use to enhance the results. I could just save the list of items I needed and add an additional argument to the experiment processor with that data, but I knew that we would want more and different signals in the near future. So I took another couple of hours, refactored all of the code to properly model a user, changed and enhanced all the tests, and finally, finished the job... Except it didn't work. I had forgotten to update the clone method in our DTO to copy the new data I had added. My colleague stepped in for that last bit of belly shaving, as I had now blown my estimate by a good day and my other work was piling up. After going through the irritation of changing 4 projects for 1 line of code, he understood my earlier cursing, and we had our feature finally ready.
A Hack Story
Yaks vs Hacks
On the other hand, I thought my new feature would be a quick hack that could give us a bunch of interesting data, and it turned into a minor yak (or perhaps just a shaggy water buffalo) that took a bit too long but was not quite a full-blown project. I couldn't hack the dependency problems, and hacking the code restructuring would have resulted in threading an arbitrary parameter through a bunch of unrelated code just to avoid thinking about the right solution. The upside of the yak shaving was more data, a better code base for making such changes in the future, and a recognition of a serious dependency structure problem that we need to address. So today I celebrate Yak Shaving Day. I hope it only comes once a year!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
The first thing they always do is quiz you. When big tech companies look for employee prospects, the first test is always basic knowledge. The Googles of the world have a checklist. "Coverage Areas" is what they call the talents they're checking for in a candidate. The big three are Coding, Algorithms and Analysis, Systems Design. Maybe they will also care about Communication skills, and Cultural Fit. They put you through the paces. Can she code? Does she know her Big-O analysis, her data structures? Can she design a distributed system to mimic Twitter? Tick, tick, tick. Pass enough of the checkboxes, and they'll make an offer. Nice salary, great benefits, the chance to work on big problems with these intimidatingly smart folks. When it comes to the deep pockets and well-oiled recruiting machine of a big tech company, it can be hard for a startup to compete for talent.
I was thinking about this a lot as I watched Moneyball last night. It got me thinking. I wish there was a sabermetrics for developers. After all, what is a startup but a cash-strapped team trying to win against the Yankees? This is an imperfect analogy, but let me break it down.
First a step back for those of you that haven't watched the movie and don't give a flip about baseball. Sabermetrics is basically a system that tries to predict, through past performance, how well a player will do in the future on certain metrics. In contrast to tests of basic skills (running, throwing, fielding, hitting, power) that talent scouts look for, sabermetrics focuses on the statistics of a player's actual game performance. Instead of going broke on a couple of big-name players, as many teams would, or gambling on hyped up fresh "potential", the Oakland As used this system to draft cheap players that together ended up forming a competitive team against the A-list roster of the New York Yankees.
The thing about baseball that makes it a useful analogy for many startups is that baseball is a team sport where the size of the team is fixed and the potential of the team in aggregate matters. The same is true for a tech team. We see so many stories about how you should only hire "A" players, that they attract other A players, and they out-perform other developers 10-1 (or 50-1 or 100-1 depending on how grandiose you're feeling). But how do you find these A players? The Derek Jeters are probably settled, and cost more than you can afford. Google and its kin have deep enough pockets to hire anyone that ticks off all the "Coverage Areas", know that they will get lucky and find some natural As in that bunch, train up some more, and the rest will be good enough to take on the mountains of other work needed at such a huge company.
The thing that Google intentionally neglects, and the thing you absolutely can't afford to ignore, is past performance in the game. What is the tech equivalent of on-base percentage? Product shipped. This is why everyone drools over open source developers as hiring potential. You can see their work, you can know that they've shipped. Teasing this out of others is a tough process. We don't have visibility into the work that most people have done. Writing code for you proves that they have the tools to deliver, and is an essential part of the interview process, but it's not enough to show that they actually have delivered. All we can do is ask them, as a detailed part of their interview, what they have done.
I realize that relying on reports of past experience as part of the hiring process is fraught. I would never suggest you neglect technical vetting in favor of experience. It's easy to get burned by someone whose personality you like and who sounds smart, only to find out they don't have the basic skills to succeed. And even with the best interviewers in the world, it's always possible that you will still hire someone that chokes at the plate. In the case where you find yourself with a player that isn't shipping, you have to take to heart the other thing that you can do more easily than Google: get rid of underperformers. It sucks, and no one enjoys letting people go, but a startup cannot afford to keep people that aren't delivering.
Will this result in your team being full of A-list all stars? Maybe. Or you may find yourself with a team where few people are exceptional standouts, but everyone delivers. When everyone in your roster can reliably get on base, you're winning. You're shipping. And that's what the game is about.
I was thinking about this a lot as I watched Moneyball last night. It got me thinking. I wish there was a sabermetrics for developers. After all, what is a startup but a cash-strapped team trying to win against the Yankees? This is an imperfect analogy, but let me break it down.
First a step back for those of you that haven't watched the movie and don't give a flip about baseball. Sabermetrics is basically a system that tries to predict, through past performance, how well a player will do in the future on certain metrics. In contrast to tests of basic skills (running, throwing, fielding, hitting, power) that talent scouts look for, sabermetrics focuses on the statistics of a player's actual game performance. Instead of going broke on a couple of big-name players, as many teams would, or gambling on hyped up fresh "potential", the Oakland As used this system to draft cheap players that together ended up forming a competitive team against the A-list roster of the New York Yankees.
The thing about baseball that makes it a useful analogy for many startups is that baseball is a team sport where the size of the team is fixed and the potential of the team in aggregate matters. The same is true for a tech team. We see so many stories about how you should only hire "A" players, that they attract other A players, and they out-perform other developers 10-1 (or 50-1 or 100-1 depending on how grandiose you're feeling). But how do you find these A players? The Derek Jeters are probably settled, and cost more than you can afford. Google and its kin have deep enough pockets to hire anyone that ticks off all the "Coverage Areas", know that they will get lucky and find some natural As in that bunch, train up some more, and the rest will be good enough to take on the mountains of other work needed at such a huge company.
The thing that Google intentionally neglects, and the thing you absolutely can't afford to ignore, is past performance in the game. What is the tech equivalent of on-base percentage? Product shipped. This is why everyone drools over open source developers as hiring potential. You can see their work, you can know that they've shipped. Teasing this out of others is a tough process. We don't have visibility into the work that most people have done. Writing code for you proves that they have the tools to deliver, and is an essential part of the interview process, but it's not enough to show that they actually have delivered. All we can do is ask them, as a detailed part of their interview, what they have done.
I realize that relying on reports of past experience as part of the hiring process is fraught. I would never suggest you neglect technical vetting in favor of experience. It's easy to get burned by someone whose personality you like and who sounds smart, only to find out they don't have the basic skills to succeed. And even with the best interviewers in the world, it's always possible that you will still hire someone that chokes at the plate. In the case where you find yourself with a player that isn't shipping, you have to take to heart the other thing that you can do more easily than Google: get rid of underperformers. It sucks, and no one enjoys letting people go, but a startup cannot afford to keep people that aren't delivering.
Will this result in your team being full of A-list all stars? Maybe. Or you may find yourself with a team where few people are exceptional standouts, but everyone delivers. When everyone in your roster can reliably get on base, you're winning. You're shipping. And that's what the game is about.