
Thursday, May 31, 2012

War Stories: Guava, Ehcache, Garbage Collection

We're in the process of moving all of our major business logic out of our clunky Drupal frontend to Java backend services, and we took another big step down that road this week by moving all of the logic for filtering of our product grids to our new integration service. This release was the culmination of months of work and planning that started at the beginning of the year, and it gets us over a major functionality hump. The results are looking good, we've saved almost 3s average page load time for this feature. Yes, that's right, three seconds per page load.

As you may guess from the title of this post, the release was not entirely smooth for our infrastructure team. The functionality got out successfully, but two hours after we released we started noticing slowness on the pages, and a quick audit showed frequent full GCs on the services. Some rogue caching was being exercised much more than we had seen during load testing. After some scrambling, we resized the machines and restarted the VMs with more memory. Fortunately the cache would only get so big, and we could quickly throw more memory onto the machines (thank the cloud!). Crisis averted, we set to fixing the caching so that we wouldn't hit slow FGCs.

The fix seemed fairly straightforward; take the cache, which was originally caching parameters mapped to objects, and instead just cache the object primary ids. So the project lead coded up the fix, and we pushed it out. 

Here's the fix. Notice anything wrong? I didn't. We're big fans of Guava and use List transformers all over the place in our code base. So we load test that again, and it looks ok for what our load tests are minimally worth, so we push it onto one of our prod boxes and give it a spin.

At first, it seemed just fine. It hummed along, seeming to take less memory, but slowly but surely the heap grew and grew, and garbage collected more and more. We took it out of the load balancer, forced a full GC, and it still had over 600m of active heap memory. What was going on?

I finally took a heap dump and put the damned thing into MAT. Squinting at it sideways showed me that the memory was being held by Ehcache. No big surprise, we knew we were caching things. But why, then, was it so big? After digging into the references via one of the worst user interfaces known to man, I finally got to the bottom of an element, and saw something strange. Instead of the cache element containing a string key and a list of strings as the value, it contained some other object. And inside that object was another list, and a reference to something called "function", that pointed to our base class. 

As it turns out, Lists.transform is a lazy function. Instead of applying the transformer to the list immediately and returning the results, you get back an object that acts like a list but only applies the transform on the objects as you retrieve them the first time. Which is great for saving a bit of time up front, but absolutely terrible if you're caching the result to save yourself memory. Now, to be fair, Guava tells you that this is lazy in the javadoc:
But not until you get to the third part of the doc, and we are even lazier than Guava in our evaluation. So, instead of caching the list as it is returned from Lists.transform, we call Lists.newArrayList on the result and cache that. Finally, problem solved.

The best part of this exercise was teaching other developers and our ops folks about the JVM monitoring tools I've mentioned before; without jstat -gc and jmap I would have been hard-pressed to diagnose and fix this problem as quickly as I did. Now at least one other member of my team understands some of the fundamentals of the garbage collector, and we've learned a hard lesson about Guava and caching that we won't soon forget.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hammers and Nails: Managing Complexity

I've been thinking a lot about complexity lately. As a systems developer at heart, I love complexity. I love complex tools that have enormous power when wielded properly. In my last position I designed systems to provide infrastructure software services to thousands of developers and systems running around the globe, and I enjoyed the process of finding the best tools for that job no matter how esoteric. I prided myself in looking beyond good enough, and was rewarded for building things that would last for years, even if they took years to build.

Now that I work at a small startup, I have begun to view complexity in a very different way. I'm rebuilding critical business infrastructure with at most a couple of developers per project and an ops team of two for all of our systems. In this scenario, while we have the freedom to choose whatever stack we want to use, for every component we choose we have to weigh complexity and power against the cost of developer time and operational overhead.

Take Play as an example of a framework whose simplicity was a major selling point. While we ended up scrapping it (and I would advise against using the 1.X branch in production), I do not think that trying it in the first place was a bad idea given what we knew at the time. Using Play, all of our developers were able to get projects created, working against the data stores, and tested in very little time. I still have developers ask me why they can't just start up new projects in Play instead of having to to use one of the other Java frameworks that we've moved forward with, even though the new frameworks have relatively little more complexity. I love Dropwizard to death, and find it to be a good replacement for Play, but it doesn't support JPA out of the box yet, it requires just a bit more thought to get a new project up and running, and even this minimal additional complexity is enough to slow everyone down a noticeable amount on new projects. Every bit of thought we have to put out there is mental overhead that takes away from delivery velocity.

Another painful example of unexpected complexity happened this past week. We are moving our stack towards a service-oriented (SOA) model, and as part of that move we have load balancers set up in front of our various services. These load balancers are provided by our cloud hardware vendor, and have a hard limit of 30s per request. Any request that runs longer than 30s will be killed by the load balancer and send an unspecified 500 to our storefront. We have a best practice that our staging environment should be run in the same way as our production environment, but when it comes to setting up load balancers we often forget about this policy, and we released a new major service migration that called some very heavyweight db queries now behind a layer of load balancers. So, we do the release, and immediately test the most intensive requests that could be run. Some of these requests fail, with "unexpected" 500s. Surprise surprise, we forgot about the load balancer, and not only that, but everyone that was doing the release forgot about the sniping and was mystified by the behavior. The load balancer is just a tiny bit of added complexity, but it was enough to scuttle a release and waste hours of development time.

All this thinking about complexity has come to a head lately as I have been pondering our current storage platforms and the choices I have made in what to use. I have chosen, in this case, to minimize upfront complexity, and I've chosen to go with MongoDB. Moreover, I believe that, of all the NoSQL stores that I have personal experience with out there (HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB), MongoDB is the mostly likely to be long-term, widely successful. Why? It's not the most powerful solution, it's probably not the most performant solution, and it currently has some quirks that have caused many people grief. But the CTO of 10Gen, Eliot Horowitz, is laser-focused on creating a system that is easy for developers to use and reason about. His philosophy is that developer time is the biggest fixed cost in most organizations, and I think from small startups to big companies that is generally true. Why do most companies use SQL-based RDBMS systems? They often have some serious limitations and challenges around scalability, and yet they are the first thing most people turn to when looking for a data storage solution. But you can pick almost any developer up off the street and they will be able to find tools to be productive in a SQL-based environment, you can hire an ops person to maintain it, and you can find answers to all your questions easily without having to fully understand the implications of the CAP theorem. And so it goes with Mongo.

You can manage your developer dollar spend in lots of ways. If you are a big company, you can afford to hire a small, dedicated team to manage certain elements of complexity. You can simply try to hire only the absolute best developers, pay them top dollar, and expect them to learn whatever you throw at them. And you can do your best to architect systems that balance complexity and power tradeoffs with developer complexity overhead. The last is not easy to do. Simplicity often comes with a hidden price tag (as we found with Play 1.X), and it's hard to know when you're buying in to hype or speeding towards a brick wall. Of course, not every problem is a nail. But, as a startup, you probably can't outspend your problems, so before you buy the perfect tool to solve your next issue, make sure you can't at least stun it for a while with a good whack.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Process Debt and Team Scalability

Most of us in tech spend time thinking about technical debt. Whether it's a short-term loan or a massive mortgage, we've all seen the benefits and costs of managing and planning a code base with technical debt, and we are generally familiar with ways to identify, measure and eliminate this debt.

What about process debt? Process debt is a lot like technical debt, in that it can be a hack or a lack. The lack of process as debt is pretty easy to see. For example, never bothering to create an automated continuous build for your project. That's a fine piece of process to avoid when you have only one or two developers working on a code base, but as your team grows, your lack of process will start to take its toll in broken code and wasted developer time.

There are also plenty of ugly process hacks. Take for example the problem of a team of varying skill levels, and a code base that is increasingly polluted by poorly formatted, totally unreadable code. When faced with this problem you may be tempted to institute a rule where every line of code must be reviewed by a teammate. Later you discover that the two people with the worst style are reviewing each other, and things still aren't improving enough. So you declare that everyone must have their code reviewed by one of the senior developers that you have appointed. Now you have better style, but at the cost of everyone's productivity, especially your senior developers.

Adding code reviews was the easiest path to take. You just hacked in some process instead of paying up front to think about what the best process would be. But process, once added, is hard to remove. This is especially true for process intended to alleviate risk. Maybe you realize after a few months that the folks with questionable style have learned the ropes, and you remove the rule. But what if you added code reviews not to fix a style problem, but to act as a risk mitigant? I've done this myself in the case of a code base with very little automated testing and a string of bad releases. I'm now paying for my technical debt (a lack of automated testing) by taking out a loan on process.

An easy way to identify process debt is to ask yourself the following question: Will this solution still work when I have twice as many developers? What about ten times as many? A hundred? Process debt, like technical debt, makes scaling very difficult. If every decision requires several meetings and a sign-off, if every git pull is a roll of the dice for your continued productivity, or if you have to hire three project managers for every five developers just to keep track of the task list, you're drowning yourself in process debt.

Developers are wary of process because we too often experience process debt of the hack sort. I believe that both a lack of process and an excess of process can cause problems, but if we begin to look at process debt with the same awareness and calculations that we apply to technical debt, we can refactor our playbook the way we refactor our code and end up with something functional, simple, and maybe even elegant.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Budgeting for Error

What's your uptime SLA over the last month, six months, year? Do you know off the top of your head? Is your kneejerk response, "as close to 100% as possible"? Consider this: by not knowing your true current SLA, you not only turn a blind eye to a critical success metrics for your systems, you also remove the ability to budget within the margins of that metric.

There are about 8765 hours in a year. How many of those hours do you believe your code absolutely needs to be up to keep your business successful? 99% of the time buys you almost 88 hours of downtime over the course of a year. 99.9% of the time still buys you almost 9 hours. Even 99.99% gives you about 52 minutes a year that your systems can be down. Think of what you can do with these minutes. Note that the much-vaunted "5 9s" reliability (99.999%) breaks down to 8 minutes over the course of a year, which is great if you're Google or the phone company, but probably not a smart goal for your average startup.

Let's say you know that your deployment process is rock-solid without outage and you will never need planned hardware downtime due to the way you've architected your systems. But you also know that you have some risky features that you want to push now, before you announce a critical partnership that should result in a big membership bump. If you're sure that the bump won't cause downtime, you might choose to push the features and risk some downtime in smoothing out rough edges on the code so that you have a really compelling site for those new members.

On the other hand, if you know that you're pretty solid under your current load but a 50% increase in usage has the potential for some degree of system failure, your error budget might not accommodate both the risky new features and the membership growth. And if your business pushes you to do both the risky new features and the growth risk? Make sure they know that your SLA may suffer as a consequence. When you know your goal SLA, and you know something is likely to reduce or violate it, that's a strong signal that you should think carefully about the risks of the project. This can also be a useful negotiation tool when being pushed to implement a feature you don't think is ready for prime time. When they say we need to release this new feature today, which means at least two hours of downtime that pushes you out of SLA, it becomes their job to get authorization from the CTO instead of your job to convince them why it is a bad idea.

I will admit that I do not currently have an uptime SLA for my services. Up until recently, it never occurred to me that there would be any value to trying to pin down a number and measure to it. As a result, while liveness and stability is always a consideration, I haven't taken the time to think through the rest of the year when it comes to hardware upgrades, new features, or deployment risk as measured by likely downtime impact. I'm missing out on a key success metric for my infrastructure.

Once I've managed to nail down a course-grained uptime SLA for my systems, the next phase of this work is to nail down a more fine-grained response time SLA. Of 100 requests, what is the 95th percentile response time from my infrastructure services? This is much trickier than a simple uptime SLA due to the interaction of multiple systems each with their own SLAs. For now though, I need to focus on the big picture.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Intuition, Effort, and Debugging Distributed Systems

I recently watched this great talk by Coda Hale, "The Programming Ape". It's heavily influenced by Thinking Fast and Slow, a book about cognitive processes and biases. One of the major points of the book, and the talk, is that we have two types of thinking: intuitive thinking, which is fast, easy, creative, and sloppy, and attention-based thinking, which is harder, but more accurate.

One of the great points that Coda makes in his talk is that most of the ways we do things in software development are very attention-heavy. At the most basic level, writing correct code requires a level of sustained attention that none of us possesses 100% of the time, which is why testing (particularly automated testing) is such an essential part of quality software development. Attention doesn't stop when you get the code into production, you still have the problem of monitoring, which often comes in the form of inscrutable charts or messages that take a lot of thought to parse. Automation helps here, but as anyone that has ever silenced a Nagios alert like a too-early alarm clock knows, the current state of automation has limits when it hits up against our attention.

By far the most attention-straining thing I do on a regular basis is debugging distributed systems. Debugging anything is a very attention-heavy process; even if you have good intuition about where the problem may lie, you still have to read the code, possibly step through it in a debugger or read through a log output and try to find the error. Debugging errors in the interaction between distributed systems is several times more difficult. A debugger is often of no help, at least not initially, because you have to get a series of events to happen in a particular way to trigger the bug. Identifying that series of events in most cases requires staring hard at a series of log files and/or system state dumps, and trying to piece together the ordering based on timestamps that may slightly differ between systems. I consider myself to be a very good debugger and it still took me a solid 4 hours of deep concentration, searching through and replaying transaction logs before I was able to crack through this particular bug. I would never hold the ZooKeeper code base up as a paragon of debugability, but what can we do to make this easier?

When you're writing a distributed system, think hard about what you log. This may be impossible to always get right, but so often the only way you have to find that bug is log files from around the time it happened. If you're going to reconstruct a series of events, you need evidence that those events happened, and you need to know when they happened. Should you rely on the clocks of the machines to line up enough to put the time series together, and should you fail the system if the clocks are too far apart? Since it's a distributed system, is there a way for all of the members of the system to agree on a clock that you could use for logging? As for the events themselves, it is important to be able to easily identify them, their particular behavior, and the state they are associated with (the session that made this request, for example).

One of the problems with ZooKeeper logs, for example, is that they don't do a great job of highlighting important events and state changes. Look at this, does it make your eyes glaze over immediately?

Events are hidden towards the ends of lines, in the middle of output (type:setData, type:create). Important identifiers are held in long hex strings like 0x773516a5076a0000, and it's hard to remember which server/connection they are associated with. To debug problems I have to rely on pen/paper or notepad records of what session id goes with what machine and what the actual series of events was on each of the quorum peers. Very little is scannable and it makes debugging errors a very tedious and attention-heavy process.

Ideally, we want to partially automate debugging. To do this, the logs have to be written in a form that an automated system could parse and reason about. Perhaps we should log everything as JSON. There's a tradeoff though, now a human debugger probably needs another tool to parse the log files at all. This might not be a bad thing. Insisting on basic text for logging leaves out the huge potential win of formatting that can draw the eye to important information in ways other than just text.

Are there tools out there now to aid in distributed debugging? A quick google search shows several scholarly papers and not much else, but I would guess that given the ever-increasing growth of distributed systems we'll see some real products in this area soon. In the meantime, we're stuck with our eyes and our attention, so we might as well think ahead about how we can work with our intuitive systems instead of against them.